This 50 year milestone is as much an opportunity to look ahead as it is to reflect back on progress. Whatever the future may bring – as we live longer lives, as technology advances, and the world changes in ways we can only partially understand – the world depends on improved global health to continue to promote prosperity and enable human progress.
The SDGs, launched in 2015, give greater visibility of the role of the private sector in a shared societal agenda and emphasize the importance of collaboration across countries, actors, and sectors for a wider array of development outcomes – health and wellbeing prime among them. Meeting the highly ambitious 17 goals and 169 targets by 2030 will require further scientific breakthroughs and strategic innovations.
Health underpins the common view of the future we want, as articulated in the SDG agenda for 2030, not only SDG 3 for good health and wellbeing. The R&D-based biopharmaceutical industry is no stranger to multi-stakeholder partnership and looks forward to continuing to deliver positive outcomes in collaboration.